Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Procrastinate Much?

I spend a lot of time surfing the interwebs. Sorry, Mom and Dad, but in-between studying my butt off and over-spending on eating out, I waste a ton of time. All is not lost; I feel as though I've been able to come up with a pretty reliable list of go-to's on the internet.

Bored? Tired of pressing reload and waiting for me to update my blog (all...three...of you...)? So I won't stress so much about posting new blogs all the time for my wide readership, I'm linking to some of my friends' sites that are getting up and running:

Erik is a science writer and has some fun articles posted on his new webpage:

My friend Anna is getting her fictional blog up and running at:

Nnekay has a great thing going with her stories about being a librarian:

Adventures in news photography written by the always hilarious Chris:

The entertaining musings of a foodie dieter are posted by fellow Bourdain-lover Leanne at:

And of course, a few mainstays that aren't written by my friends that I think everyone should take a look at:

Dissing Food Network:
Best of Craigslist:
Passive Aggressive Notes:
Most Delicious/Worst Looking Food Ever:
My Favorite Comic Strip:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that food network humor site is hysterical! thanks for the links